Monday, May 23, 2011

12 Week Bulking results

I finished my 12 week bulking program. I didn't manage to update this blog everyday but I did manage to get through the program. I gained 5 lbs in 12 weeks. I didn't gain as much mass as I wanted and I will address that below but here are the results of the 12 weeks

WEEK 1................................Week 12
Weight - 166 lbs. ...............171 lbs
Body Fat -11.6%.................yet to be deterined
Biceps flexed 13.75"...........14.5"
waist - 34.25".....................33.5"
chest - 39"..........................40.75"
Upper thigh - 21.75".........22.5"
Calf - 14.5".........................15"

Here are the pictures of my progress.

Even though I ate a lot, I ate very healthy. There on the last 2 weeks I tried to eat a little more not so healthy so my callories would be more so I could add some more bulk. It may have worked a little but I was not as cut as I could have been. I think I was a little more defined in my week 9 picture. Overall It was a good program with good results. I would have liked to gain more mass but I've had a hard time with that all my life.

From here I will start Insanity with Julie. This should really cut down on my body fat%. I will not be as strict on my diet and will continue working out in the morning. I will post pictures every month or so to see my gradual progression over the rest of the year. If anyone reads this feel free to comment and let me know what you think or give me some tips.


Monday, March 28, 2011

Week 4 - Day 7

I missed my run today. It shouldn't hurt anything but I need to make the weekend runs happen.


Week 4 - Day 6

I missed my run today The plan is to run tomorrow.

Here was my diet.

Week 4 - Day 5


We ended up eating at Dickies tonight. I had a Westerner, It has a ton of meat, so I know it had a lot of protein but probably also a bit of fat. The bun would be carbs but not complex carps. I just guessed at total calories for the Westerner sandwhich. I stayed away from any sides. However I really wanted some mac and cheese and Fried Okra. Very tempting but I was strong.



Week 4 - Day 4

Here was my workout

Here was my diet.

Week 4 - Day 3

I ran 21 minutes and then I felt death coming. So I stopped and walked 4 minutes and then ran the remaining 5 minutes. So I went 3.82 miles in 30 minutes.

Here was my diet

Week 4 - Day 2

I felt a little pull in my right outer quad on the second set, so I lowered the weight. Here is teh workout.

Here is my diet.