Monday, May 23, 2011

12 Week Bulking results

I finished my 12 week bulking program. I didn't manage to update this blog everyday but I did manage to get through the program. I gained 5 lbs in 12 weeks. I didn't gain as much mass as I wanted and I will address that below but here are the results of the 12 weeks

WEEK 1................................Week 12
Weight - 166 lbs. ...............171 lbs
Body Fat -11.6%.................yet to be deterined
Biceps flexed 13.75"...........14.5"
waist - 34.25".....................33.5"
chest - 39"..........................40.75"
Upper thigh - 21.75".........22.5"
Calf - 14.5".........................15"

Here are the pictures of my progress.

Even though I ate a lot, I ate very healthy. There on the last 2 weeks I tried to eat a little more not so healthy so my callories would be more so I could add some more bulk. It may have worked a little but I was not as cut as I could have been. I think I was a little more defined in my week 9 picture. Overall It was a good program with good results. I would have liked to gain more mass but I've had a hard time with that all my life.

From here I will start Insanity with Julie. This should really cut down on my body fat%. I will not be as strict on my diet and will continue working out in the morning. I will post pictures every month or so to see my gradual progression over the rest of the year. If anyone reads this feel free to comment and let me know what you think or give me some tips.


Monday, March 28, 2011

Week 4 - Day 7

I missed my run today. It shouldn't hurt anything but I need to make the weekend runs happen.


Week 4 - Day 6

I missed my run today The plan is to run tomorrow.

Here was my diet.

Week 4 - Day 5


We ended up eating at Dickies tonight. I had a Westerner, It has a ton of meat, so I know it had a lot of protein but probably also a bit of fat. The bun would be carbs but not complex carps. I just guessed at total calories for the Westerner sandwhich. I stayed away from any sides. However I really wanted some mac and cheese and Fried Okra. Very tempting but I was strong.



Week 4 - Day 4

Here was my workout

Here was my diet.

Week 4 - Day 3

I ran 21 minutes and then I felt death coming. So I stopped and walked 4 minutes and then ran the remaining 5 minutes. So I went 3.82 miles in 30 minutes.

Here was my diet

Week 4 - Day 2

I felt a little pull in my right outer quad on the second set, so I lowered the weight. Here is teh workout.

Here is my diet.

Week 4 - Day 1

Week 4 is 5 set of 4 to 6 reps.

I tried to go up in my calories because I started to stall in my weight gain.



Monday, March 21, 2011

3 Weeks down 1/4 of the way there.

Well I am 1/4 of the way through the program. I can tell my chest, arms, and legs have grown and my strength has gone up too. Here are my comparison pics for the first 3 weeks. You can't tell much difference in pictures, but hopefully this will change when comparing day 1 to the end of week 12. Only 9 more weeks to go.

Day 1 weight 166 pounds. End of week 3 weight 170 pounds. = +4 pounds in 3 weeks.

Week 3 - Day 7

Instead of doing 30 minutes of cardio I helped a friend move for 4 hours. Here was what I ate. I was way light in my calories I'll have to do better on the weekends if I want to hit my weight gain goal.

Week 3 - Day 6

This was my off day this week. Diet was pretty good considering I was at my parents house most of the day. I guessed on the calorie information for the Dickies.

Week 3 - Day 5

Workout was tough. I misplaced my information so I went off of memory when putting the numbers into the spreadsheet. If I find my workout sheet I will update the spreadsheet.

Diet was good. A little light but I was away for most of the evening.

Week 3 - Day 4

Workout was good.

Diet was ok. I did have a piece of pizza. I guessed at the calories Hopefully it won't hurt me too bad.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Week 3 - Day 3

I ran 3 miles today. Right at 30 minutes on the treadmill. For some reason the muscle next to my shin bone on the front of my legs was killing me. I made it through the run, but I am going to be sore.

Here is my diet

Week 3 - Day 2

Today was leg workout number 1 of the week. This one is tough. But I still went up in all my weights. However I didn't have my notebook and I forgot to do one of the exercises. The stiff legged deadlift. I'll have to step it up next week.

Here is the workout

Here is the diet.

Week 3 - Day 1

I weighed in at 170 today. so up 4 pounds in 2 weeks. The workout went good and I went up in all my weights. Week 3 is 4 sets of 6 to 8 reps. Here is the workout.

Here is my diet.

Week 2 - Day 7

This was my off day. I did better on my diet compared to yseterday.

Week 2 - Day 6

Ran outside. It was hard. I don't know how long it took, but I ran 3 miles

Here is my diet. I was about 500 calories short and missed meal 4. I also only had some milk for meal 5. I need to do better. and eat more.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Week 2 - Day 5

Day 5 was good. Legs are always hard but I got through it.



Friday, March 11, 2011

Week 2 - Day 4

Today was the second upper body workout of week 2. It was good. I am trying to go up in all of the weights. I hurt my shoulder a little doing the side lateral raise (stinking rotator cuff) I'll have to take it easy with my shoulder next week.

Here is my workout.

Diet was pretty good.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Week 2 - Day 3

My run was tough. probably because my run Saturday was real laid back and my legs were still killing me from Tuesdays workout.

I ran 30 minutes at 6.1 miles per hour for a distance of 3.03 miles.

My diet was good.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Week 2 - Day 2

First Day of Legs for the second week. Same as yesterday 3 sets of 8 to 10 reps. but for some reason I thought it was 10-12 reps. Hey I'm working out in the morning and my brain doesn't work that early sometimes. I still got a good leg workout

Here is the workout.

Diet was a little short on calories and protein but not too bad.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Week 2 Day 1

Diet was good. Here is what I ate

My workout was tough. 3 sets of 8 to 10 reps. Here are the workout results.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Finished Week 1

I finished week one and started week 2. Below I will post my diet and workouts for the rest of week one. I stepped on the scale this morning for the start of week 2 and I've gained 1 pound. 1 pound per week was the goal. So far so good.

Here are my workouts and diet in descending order.

Sunday ran for 30 minutes

Day 7 diet

Saturday used this as my off day and ran on Sunday

Day 6 diet

Friday Day 5 workout

Day 5 diet

Day 4 workout

Day 4 Diet

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Day 3 Workout and Diet

Day 3 was a cardio day. I ran for 30 minutes at 6.0 mph for a total of 3 miles.

Here is my diet for Day 3

Second upper body workout of the week is Thursday.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Day 2 Workout and Diet

Tuesday was the first Leg workout of the week. 2 sets of 12-15 reps. It was tough. My squats were weak and I have to get more flexible in my stiff legged dead lift. I did a lot of weight (for me anyway) on my Leg press and calf raises. Today (Wednesday) my legs are very sore. That's a good thing.

Here are my workout results

My diet is going good. My target totals each day are 83g fat, 270g carbs, & 166g protein, for a total of 2500 calories

Here is where I ended up on Day 2

Day 3 is cardio. I ran this morning so I will post Day 3 results and diet tomorrow.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Day 1 workout and diet

Day 1 is 2 sets of 12 to 15 reps. I moved from machine weights to barbell weights on the smith machine. I really over estimated my strength because when I started working out I couldn't lift anything. Hopefully, once I get my form down and get used to the movements, I can build up my strength. I also had to switch from Barbell military press over to dumbell military press. The barbell was killing my shoulder joint. When I switched to barbells it made it easier on my shoulder and I could lift more.

Here is what I ate and my total nutrition for day 1.

All in all a good first day. I did day 2 this morning. I'll post those results along with my diet for the day tomorrow.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Week 1 Day 1

Over the next 12 weeks I am doing a 12 week bulking program. The program is called 12 week bulking trainer. It's found on Here is a link. 12 week bulking trainer. With this program I hope to gain 12 pounds of lean muscle in 12 weeks.

The program consists of an Upper body workout on Monday, a lower body workout on Tuesday, Wednesday is a recovery day with 30 minutes of cardio, Thursday is a different upper body workout, Friday is a different Lower body workout, and Saturday is another recovery day with 30 minutes of Cardio. Sunday is an off day with no workout or Cardio.

With this program I am trying to gain lean mass. So I will be eating a diet with calories based on my body weight. I currently weigh 166 lbs so I will be eating 2500 calories per day. Those calories are made up of 166 grams of protein 270 grams of complex carbs and 83 grams of healthy fats. As my weight increases so will my Calorie intake.

Along with my diet I will also be taking the following supplements.

Whey Protein - To help suppliment my protein intake
Creatine - To help muscle recovery and retain strength
BCAA - Branch chain Amino Acids to help in muscle production
Multivitamin - to make sure I get all the vitamins and minerals I need
Fish Oil - To make sure I get all of the Omega 3 fatty acids I need
Joint supplement - To help my joints recover from the strain of my workouts.
Pre-workout drink- To help my early morning energy for the workout.

I will be going over my workouts and how I do as well as what I eat. I will post pictures every 3 weeks and taking measurements.

Here is me on Day 1.

On Day 1 of starting the bulking program here are my stats:

Weight - 166 lbs.
Body Fat -11.6%
Biceps flexed 13.75"
waist - 34.25"
chest - 39"
Upper thigh - 21.75"
Calf - 14.5"

I expect I will go up in my body fat percentage and increase in my waist since I am eating so much and trying to gain weight but I really hope most of the increases are in my muscles. I hope to go from a 166 lbs. to 178 lbs in the 12 weeks. Whatever fat gain happens I will cut that down in the program I start after this one. Next post will be my diet and workout results for Day 1.